GTM Belgium is the trailer specialist for maintenance on all trailers.
At GTM Belgium, you can bring your trailers in for a general vehicle check. This involves them being thoroughly looked over – we check the brakes and lighting for correct operation, provide lubrication and carry out any (minor) repairs in consultation with you. General vehicle checks can be carried out once every six months or annually in combination with the annual inspection.
Preventive maintenance can help you avoid wear and tear and therefore unnecessary costs. Your trailer will be placed on the brake tester and shaker plate and the underside will be visually inspected for wear and other defects, such as:
- Genset maintenance: replacing filters or changing oil
- Checking the operation and play of the tailgate, its adjustment and lubrication
- Checking, maintaining and lubricating brake systems and checking brake drums
- Checking axles for bearing play
- Checking the axle bracket for play
- Replacing worn brake pads
- Checking and lubricating steering shafts
- Performing preventive checks on suspensions
- Checking bushings in chassis
One of the great strengths of GTM Belgium's workshops and therefore an advantage for you as a customer, is the option of immediate repair: You can come to us for unexpected issues without an appointment! You drive in and are helped right away; your driver can wait for the repair to be done on the spot and then leave immediately after. Minimum downtime, maximum use of your trailer, ultimate flexibility!
Book your appointment now! Click here.